Terrance Houle, born in Calgary,
Alberta in 1975 is a registered member of the Blood Tribe. Involved
with Aboriginal communities all his life, he has travelled to reservations
throughout Canada and the United States to participate in Powwow trail
dancing and other native ceremonies.
Terrance began his
art career at the Alberta College of Art & Design in 1995. After
a 2 year hiatus, he returned to his studies in 2000. In 2003 he graduated
with a BFA in Fibre.
He has developed
an extensive portfolio that ranges from painting and drawing to video/film,
mixed media, performance and installation. His works have been shown
throughout Calgary in solo and group exhibtitions, including exhibtitions
dealing with issues of discriminiation. Terrances work has been discussed
in Alberta Views, Alberta Sweetgrass, New Tribe, Alberta Native News,
Aboriginal Times. |

Houle - wagon burner 2002

cows - 2002