Born: Truro, Nova
Scotia, 1962
Education: Nova
Scotia College of Art and Design and Halifax, BFA in Art Education,
in 1990, and studied with John Greer, Administrative and Curatorial
Internships; twice served as an artist-in-residence (Est Nord Est, Centre
de Sculpture, St. Jean-Port_Joli, Quebec, and the Banff Centre for the
Arts, Alberta); Dalhousie University, Theatre Studies, Halifax, Nova
Scotia, 1996.
Career: Active as
a visiting artist, guest speaker, analyst, instructor, and juror in
the greater Canadian Arts Community since the early 1990's; Participates
in a wide range of Art related activities that focus on issues faced
by NAtive peoples, with a specific concern for cultural well-being of
the Mi'kmaq; vocalist and poet.
Awards: Peace Hill
Trust; Nova Scotia Tourism and Culture Exhibition Grant; Confederacy
of MAinland Micmacs Exhibition Grant; Micmac association of Cultural
Studies Exhibit Grant; Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Endowment
Scholarship; Confederacy of Mainland Micmacs Outstanding Scholastic
Achievement Award; Assembly of First Nations, Outstanding Scholastic
Achievement Award; Royal Trust Scholarship Award; Canadian Native Arts
Foundation Award; Native Arts Exhibition Grant, Canada Council Travel
Award; Canada Council Project Grants; George Watchorn Memorial Scholarship,
Banff Centre; Theatre Centre Research and Development Award; Canada
Council B Grant; Bristish Columbia Cultural Alliance Grant; City of
Vancouver Cultural Sector, residency Award of Artistic Excellence; Most
recently awarded a fellowship at the Eiteliog of the Americas in Indianapolis,
Indiana. |

Marshall - red 2003