Adam Martin is an emerging Kahniakehaka (Mohawk) artist
from Six Nations, Ontario. Born in 1976 with an artistic career beginning
in 1993 at the age of 16 designing a logo and weekly advertisements
for New Directions: Drinking and Driving Awareness Committee. The logo
still stands at four main roads marking the entrance of the Six Nations
territory. From there, he has been invited to paint murals in various
homes and businesses in Six Nations including a short time working at
the Tekawennake newspaper as an editorial cartoonist; addressing political
and social issues of not only the people of Six Nations, but that of
Native North America. This attempt to "wake people up" continued
into studies at Dundas Valley School of Art and McMaster University
in Honors Art and Humanities. Where "I learned not only about the
injustice and pain of our own people, but that it is still happening
today all over the world; of the world's poor and North America's greed,
that colonialism continues today and the loss of rights and freedoms
that it brings, environment and how these things are affecting every
aspect of our lives and the lives of those yet to be born and that there
is something we can do about it."

Adam Martin 2003
