:: Archie Moore :: Artist Biography :: Artist Work ::
Artist Statement |
“The image is of ST Gill's "Flinder's Range, North of Mount Brown" c. 1846-50 and it would appear to be an illuminated print, if it weren't for an Aboriginal man imposing (invading) the space to stand in a 'traditional' way and fall down. The image is like that from a lookout and it seems like a view of all - what could be claimed as the white man's own. The landscape looks empty of human life as if it has been ethnic-cleansed and the ghostly moving image projection is a recurrent reminder of who are the real owners of this space. The Aboriginal man is removed from the scene perhaps by a colonialist for spoiling the colonial view or by the modern Aboriginal man for his outmoded stance - you have to adapt to stand firm and persevere.” |