[aborigine]: 1. One of race of tribal peoples, the earliest known to live in Australia. 2. One of a people living in a country or place from earliest known times (nee Bamblett/Scott/Wedge/Freeman). Cameron is of the [Wiradjuri/Ngunawal/Worimi] Tribes of N.S.W. and the A.C.T. And of the [Goold] Clan from Sprent, Leven, Ulverstone - Tasmania Chewton-Mendip, County Somerset, England Cam is a New-Media geek, Audio Engineer, Sound Artist, Music Producer, Drummer, Rapper Creator owner of – indigiNet.com.au – buumal.com.au – pklann.com http://www.myspace.com/propagandaklann
Cameron Goold Cameron Goold (Melbourne, VIC)
quest 2005