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Following on from the successful inaugural exhibition in 2006, we bring you many more alterNATIVE perspectives from this big brown land, Australia.

Coinciding with and responding to the 6th Asia Pacific Triennial at QAG and QGOMA, in Brisbane, Queensland, the other APT features a range of artworks from Australian-based artists of various cultural backgrounds and artforms: 

Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Australian South Sea Islander, Fijian, Maori, Tongan, Samoan, Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipino and more.

launched online December 1, 2009


Chips Mackinolty

Dacchi Dang

Darrell Sibosado

Faith Miles

Fiona Foley

Gordon Syron

Hohua Mohi

Janelle Evans

Jedda Puruntatameri

Jenny Fraser

Jessica Johnson

Karla Dickens

Krishna Nahow

Maryann Talia Pau

Mike Chavez

Min Wong

Niwhai Tupaea

Rachel Tipoti

Samuel Tupou

Shaun Edwards

Siying Zhou

Tim Nardoo

Torika Bolatagici

Zane Saunders

Shout outs

'the other APT' is not funded (just so you know)

so a big shout out goes to all of the artists involved, for investing good energy

all in the name of culture


and a special thankyou to all of our supporters - inkind and in kind thought -> you know who you all are - especially our web host culture2.org and also Art Monthly Magazine for inkind support


and no, nothing to say to the haters... except, thanks for the inspiration : )


view the other APT 2012 here: http://cybertribe.culture2.org/theotherapt/2012




'the other APT' first took place in 2006/07 and can be viewed at this link: http://www.cybertribe.culture2.org/theotherapt/2006


then in 2008/09 it toured, as 'the others / les autres', to the Center Culturel Tjibaou in Noumea, New Caledonia



presented by artist / curator Jenny Fraser Shout Outs