this website is a work in progress, more soon
News 2007:

screens at the Winnipeg
Aboriginal Film Festival, Manitoba, 15-18 November, 2007

Curator In Residence
at 24hr Art,
Northern Terrirory Centre for Contemporary Art, Darwin, for the
month of November

Honorable Mention in the New Media category
at imagineNATIVE
Media Arts & Film Festival, Toronto, Canada

Revanche des Genres: Art Contemprain Australien' at
Les Brasseurs
in Liege, Belgium, until the 10th of November. Curated by Geraldine
Le Roux.

featured in electro-online,
a survey of online art curated by Rachel Kiang, part of the electrofringe
festival, October, in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

: indigeLab @ Bundanon
, run by Performance Space, photo by Merv Bishop

at Gallery 4A, Sydney. A collaboration between Aboriginal &
Asian-Australian Artists exploring themes of identity, belonging
and dislocation. Opening Friday 31st August until 12th October,

Stars, an installation at kuril dhagun, Indigenous
Knowledge Centre, Brisbane, featuring Murri
All Stars and Native All Stars: 28th August til 28th October,
2007. image: Native All Stars Collectors Cards 2003 & 2006 Series

Screening at
the Metis Media Festival, CLUB SAW, Ottowa, Canada, August 30th,

for the 24th
Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award,
Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin : opens
10 August, 2007. image: other[wize] (re-edited
version 06)

screening at
under ground - A Darwin Fringe Festival
Event: A cross-section of bold and innovative new digital screen
works from all over Australia presented on mobile screens across
Darwin for the duration of the Fringe. Catch a slice of experimental
screen culture from local and interstate artists. Curated by Zeb

delivered a
paper at the Black2
Blak conference, Campbelltown Arts Centre, NSW

Light, at the Mexican Art Biennale Arte Nuevo Interactiva07
at the Galleries of Peon Contreras Cultural Complex, Merida, Yucatan
from June 15. Premiering at the Dreaming
Festival, June 11. Image: from 'the Great Australian
Dream-ing' DVD

East Coast - I saw the Sun,
at the
Dreaming Festival, curated by Djon Mundine, 9 - 12 June, 2007
Image: Rathdowney

short film, other[wize]
to feature at the Australian Film Festival in Calgary,
Canada, June

an installation commissioned for 'WINDOWS'
Curated by Natasha Beckmann, as part AK07, the Auckland
Festival, at Westpac Bank, 79 Queen St, Auckland, March
2007. Supported by Arts Queensland. image: a room for

3 in 10, Boomalli Gallery,
Sydney, opened 1st March, curated by Bonny Briggs

East Coast - I saw the Sun,
a group exhibition at Lismore
Gallery, curated by Djon Mundine, 16 Feb - 17 March, 2007 Image:
Crush 5 min Video '99

short film, other[wize]
to feature at Ozflix, Corroboree, 9 - 11 February, 2007 in Toronto,
then Vancouver (March) and Calgary (April), Canada

Stockland Art Prize: Judges Choice, at Raw Space
Galleries. January, 2007. Image: Theres no place like
home 06

prints featured at the TellemYaDreamin' Gallery
@ Woodford Folk Festival, curated by Bianca Beetson. Image: Hot
August Nights 06
more news
contact: dot_ayu@yahoo.com.au